We are holding a range of exciting events to accompany the exhibition. Places on bookable workshops can be made by calling 01334 659380.
Children's Events
Please ensure that children under 8 are accompanied by an adult.
Adorn Me!
Thursday 9 April, 1.30-2.30 and 3-4pm
Ages 5-11 years. Free.
Join us for a family-friendly drawing event. Decorate our paper giant by designing
archaeological jewellery inspired by the objects on display in the exhibition, and then
make some adornments to take home. Booking required.
Buried Bling!
Saturday 11 April, 2-3pm
Ages 7-11 years. Free.
Have you ever wanted to be an archaeologist? Have a peek into their world with this hands-on session where you will learn the skills that archaeologists use in the field. Booking required.
Family Object Handling
Saturday 18 April, 1-4pm
Ages 5+. Free.
An opportunity to get to grips with some archaeological objects and think about what
we can learn from the items that societies leave behind. Drop in.
Adults' Events
Stuart Campbell - Archaeological Finds in Fife
Saturday 9 May 2-3pm. Free
Stuart Campbell (Treasure Trove Scotland) presents a lecture on significant archaeological objects found in Fife, including some on display in St Andrews Museum! No booking required.
Dr Sandra Wilson - Understanding the Past
Please note that this event is postponed until further notice. We hope to rearrange it
before the end of the exhibition, and will update this information when this happens.
Dr Sandra Wilson (Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee)
presents a lecture on how modern technology such as 3D scanning and printing
can be used to explore traditional jewellery making techniques. No booking required.
Treasure Trove Scotland Workshop and Finds Day
Saturday 25 April, 10.30am-4.00pm. Free.
Hints and tips on identifying archaeological objects, 10.30am-12.30pm, free.
Learn about archaeological material and how to identify it, with opportunities for object handling.
Booking required.
Finds Day, 2-4pm. Free.
Chance discoveries of artefacts by members of the public have the potential to make a significant
contribution to our understanding of Scotland’s past. The Treasure Trove system ensures that finds
of cultural significance are protected for the benefit of the nation and preserved in museums across
the country. If you have found anobject whilst farming, gardening, or through hobbies such as metal
detecting, bring it along to St Andrews Museum where Unit staff will be delighted to discuss your
finds and answer any questions you may have about the Treasure Trove system. Drop in.
Festival of Museums Events
Hands on! Celebrate traditional crafts
Celebrate the Festival of Museums at St Andrews Museum with a weekend of activities
inspired by traditional crafts for adults and children.
Craft Fair
Saturday 16 May, 11am-4pm
Ages 6-12 years. Free
Come and have a go at making some archaeology inspired accessories.
Adorn yourself with jewellery status symbols or prepare yourself for battle! Drop in anytime.
Craft Classes for Adults
Sunday 17 May
15+ years. Free
Join us for two fantastic craft workshops inspired by Fife archaeology.
10.30am-1.30pm: Make 3D printed artefact replicas with Dr Sandra Wilson.
2.30pm-3.30pm: Margaret Stewart presents a stained glass making session.
Tours of the exhibition will also run throughout the day.
Tours of the Exhibition
Sunday 17 May
11.30am: Raven
1.00pm: Kirsty
3pm: Alix
Come along to (re)discover the treasures of Fife with a guided tour by one of the students curators!