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Opening Night!!



























(Left to right, seated: Alix Marion, Yeting Shi, Holly Mowle. Left to right, standing: Erin Catron, Mathilde Marlaud, Kirsty Simpson)



After six months of hard work, about a thousand emails sent to teachers, curators, press and helpful people, about 200 objects handled and carefully placed in display cases, a dozen panels hung on the walls and ten days of setup, WE DID IT!


The exhibition is now open and we could not be happier. We are all so proud of the result, so happy with it, and most of all, we are delighted to have welcomed such a huge number of people last Friday night for the opening.


Parents, teachers, close friends, everybody was here for us, here to see what we came up with, and it was more than rewarding. We had a brilliant time (hence our smiles on the picture) and a brilliant buffet, as well as quite a raffle where we gathered a lot of funds!


We do hope that you will all come (or come back) to the museum, enjoy the magnifying glasses at your disposal to have a closer look and also enjoy the 3D printing part of the exhibition, for which we are grateful to Dr Sandra Wilson, Robert Jackson and Malcolm Finnie from DJCAD (see here for more information).


And for now, just enjoy the wonderful Activity Room, share your thoughts and drawings on the walls and your pictures on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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